Sunday, April 26, 2009

First day blogger

Ok, I've done it: I blogged,
I expect all those who visit this blog to at least make a comment when you are here,
even if it says -------was here.
Just so I know this is worth my time!!

I'll start with our most recent events. Our trip To Wisconsin. We stopped in Ohio to see Jason Knouse and Family. The girls keep getting more cute as they grow! We got to see baby Morgan for the first time. What a ball!

But first .. the pool.

I am so proud of Alexis. Gabriel is not a water lover but big sis was soooo patient! Wasn't long and he de-clinged.

Darrien and Orion
are quite the little guppies!


  1. Let me be the first to comment on your new blog and welcome you.


  2. First family member comment! Get a whole load of you goin' all high tech, redneck! Fun pics.
    You can tell Jason's kids are related to yours...and all this time I thought your kids looked like the Crump side...wild.
    blog on, little sistah!

  3. You know I'll be visiting often. How come Maria has never visited MY blog? I've been working on a post about your visit for a week now..someday I'll finish and get it up!

  4. Fun blog! Someone told me I should have one for my primary class stuff that I do, but I'm pretty sure I'm not motivated enough for that.

    I miss you and your kids! I can't wait to be home in three weeks.

  5. Hey my long lost friend! Blogging is so fun. I find that I can't blog without a photo and that makes it take me a while between posts but I am doing it! It is wonderful to see your family. They are huge! I can't believe that we actually have kids and they are growing so fast! I hope that you are all doing well!


